Rancho Del Mar
An underdeveloped linear property at the top of the mesa landform that trundles to the east is the location for this Ronchetti designed residence in Eastern Del Mar above the Polo Fields north of the San Dieguito River Valley. The 3.0 acre site has a lengthy street frontage, but minimal depth along with topography and drainage patterns that were respected in the design and development of the program + improvements.

From the onset of the project (17) years ago, a sustainability ethos was a driving force in the project site plan and landscape design. On site water retention, Native + Mediterranean plant palette, water efficiency and low maintenance were key to the design + improvements.
The rear yard was successful to the point that several years ago the owners had Environs redesign the front yard to mimic the rear yard improvements.
Complete design + oversight of the project site improvements including concept design, design development, construction documents, specimen plant sourcing + tagging, site observation and maintenance specifications.
Published in several estate periodicals.